Year 2022, a lot has happened. Some bad, but more, better things. A lot has changed in the way we live. A lot has developed, new technologies, new way of living. But through it all my Lord JESUS remains The Same. HIS Love, HIS Amazing Grace, HIS Mercy never fails. Always constantly maximum, high and Infinite.
At our FATHER's House
Today the Pastor resonated the question in my mind; "Where is my place under the sun?" I'm sure millions like me have been asking this question, particularly in these challenging times, when there seems to be more chaos on all fronts; political, social, climate, environment, economic, personal, psychological. Every crucial point where the enemy can attack HIS Beloved people. We would have been utterly defeated had our FATHER not intervened through my Lord JESUS. Through the death of HIS Own Only Begotten SON. How indescibable HIS pain must have been, done in Love HIMSELF.
Then the Pastor gave the expected answer, he said our place is in HIMSELF our FATHER, where HE IS. HE HAS INSCRIBED (engraved) US IN THE PALM OF HIS HANDS, THE ONLY MAN-MADE TOKEN IN HEAVEN. is. 49:16 And HE has appointed a "place" in this world where we could enjoy HIM. HIS, our FATHER's House. It is not so much in asking "Where is my place?" as much as knowing where HE IS. HE has Literally placed us in HIMSELF. Not a breath away, not a thought away, not a millimeter away from HIMSELF. Only in the Lord JESUS Christ.
Outside these walls of my FATHER's House there is so much confusion, despair, longing, questioning and all fiery darts from the enemy. Yet, here in HIS House, we sing of HIS Amazing Grace, HIS mercy, HIS Power. HIS Love. Something that the outside world doesn't understand. Next time, you ask the question of the lost, in the midst of a troubled world. Please consider HIS Heart for you, and come to The Place HE Appointed for HIS Own children. Our FATHER'S House.
"I have Loved you with an everlasting Love, therefore with Lovingkindness have I drawn you."
jer 31:3
- October 02, 2022