The Case for Tesla and Electric Vehicles (EV's)

Tesla Dual Motor

Nowadays, when Tesla (Motors) is mentioned,  the name Elon Musk would automatically be associated with it.

But it hasn't always been that way. Tesla Inc. was founded by American entrepreneurs Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning in 2003. Its market consists of solar panels, car batteries and, home power storage. Funding has always been a challenge for start-up companies and so it was, also for the infant days of Tesla Incorporated. Eventually, it obtained its major financial support from Paypal co-founder Elon Musk who, later became the major shareholder and chairman of Tesla Motors in 2004.


Tesla has revolutionized the automobile industry in an unprecedented style since its official launch in 2008. Their first car model was the Roadster, the launch of which brought quick criticisms and rivalry-inspired media campaign. (watch video) 

As it is, hybrid and non-hybrid (classic automobiles) remain a challenge to motorists. On one hand, you have environment protection and preservation, as justification for Tesla patronage, on the other hand, you deal with the politically colored uncertainty affecting the economy of things, including technological development. 

Whether Tesla or electric vehicles will suffer the same plight as that of hover boards', only time or, digital trends can tell. (We all remember how lightning-fast hoverboard craze has come and crashed). Hopefully it wouldn't be the same for Tesla cars or other (China manufactured) electric vehicles. We must also give credit to Tesla founders, particularly to Elon Musk for paving the way to an alternative source of automobile energy. But given the speed of innovation turn-around in this present generation, thanks to AI and, the myriads of unprecedented and contemporary digital start-ups on all fronts, one can only hope for the best.

Tesla and EV Connectivity and Elon's Starlink

It's no secret to electric vehicle drivers, that their prized automobile relies heavily on internet connectivity. This must be the main reason why Elon Musk launched his own Starlink satellite network covering over a hundred countries. It can be affirmed that whoever controls the air controls the surface, not only in times of war but now, more than ever, the war on information technology.  The major question or challenge is; can constant connectivity be guaranteed? Just imagine  the repercussion, if you or more people suddenly lose internet connection in a significant situation.  And, where technology spree is concerned, wouldn't it be safe for consumers to ask if it's worth it? Remember the hoverboard craze? Not that it (Tesla electric cars) would be wiped out so quickly, but the constant upgrades and the laws surrounding them, somehow should drive the  consumers to weigh their decisions first. 

Physical Infrastructures Must Adapt to The Weight of E. V. 's

Electric vehicles generally weigh thirty percent more than a regular car. In view of this, road infrastructures must be reinforced or upgraded, to provide safety to the increasing number of heavy electric cars, particularly where bridges, flyovers and, trafficked roads are concerned. Does this mean, that all the countries being served by electric cars, must consider this additional expenditure and all operations tied to it? 

Tesla Dual motor
Power vs Distance

Another pivotal concern for the feasibility of electric cars is the battery life. The regular EV battery can run for 336 miles on a single full charge, which converts to roughly seven hours. Obviously, you can enjoy a longer battery life at the right price. Again, the question begs to be asked, if it can stand long range trips, much more so, in areas where connectivity is still remote. And what role will the expanding solar panel business play in this generation's automobile industry? This is in supplement to the energy sources, which are constantly modified and, enhanced. The road to electric vehicles stability is still long and winding, there are so many aspects to be settled, it pays to be very cautious where you put your money.

The LORD will guide you always; HE will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.                                                                                                                isa 58:11

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