The Mercies of GOD

January 21, 2017

Happy New Year! And although this is too-late of a greeting, this comes as my newest post for this fresh GOD-given year 2017! I thank GOD in no uncertain terms,as a matter of fact, categorically,  for how HE has walked closely with me and my family through all the challenges of life;which  served to crystallize even more HIS Own Power,Grace And Mercy and above all, Love, specially for them who would, in all fierceness of spirit,clutchTo HIM through the valleys and low times.
If you submit to be an intelligent creature, you would agree that this life must hold a purpose for each of us. These desperate times must be to an intended end,a lesson to be learned,if not at the first trial,then maybe at the second or the next one  .. . if you are breathing human being,you are not exempted, no one is. Each difficulty is another life lesson waiting to be learned to strengthen and prepare your inner man,for your next level in life. You must understand that in all of these,there's just one dividing line that separates the life in-the-divine from a haphazard life, and it is doubtless, the Name of JESUS!

I would not have known the joy of healing and perfect health and strength,had I not experienced the pain of sickness. I would not be able to appreciate the joy of salvation,had I not known the despair of the perishing. I wouldn't be able to appreciate abundance,had I not known lack.
Then I come to the realization of This Magnificently Loving GOD,Who went to The Extreme, to reach down through the Blood of HIS Only Begotten SON to heal all ills of the original sin of Adam. To reboot or re-set as it were, to borrow the lingo of this techie generation, the whole systems, according to HIS Heart's original intent. As human as each of us is,it will always be  beyond us, to comprehend This Everlasting Act. The only exchange we can offer is our own heart. Stray children coming back to our own Creator and Heavenly Father,under Whose Strong Arms we are safe, and provided-for. Then the challenges of life are like attacks that hit our Shield Who is our GOD,and backfire to its perpetrator; the enemy of our souls, but to us, under HIS Protection,we can only expect GOD to turn bad things to our good. Praise The LORD! I don't define myself as 'fanatic' nor religious. Just a believer in CHRIST. A CHRIST follower,even in my frailties.I have learned not to be critical or apologetic,anymore of the limitations that identify the flesh with this world. But good for me and you,my brother or sister in CHRIST, GOD already knows everything from the day we were conceived until the day this flesh returns to dust (should my LORD JESUS tarry in returning). So what else can I still add? GOD is Infinitely Great in HIS Love for you. There is no way anybody can ever undo or refute all the archeological finds,documents,places and people like the Jews which all point to the infallibility of The Truth WHO IS JESUS.HE gave up HIS Life so HE can win you and me. Do you care about this?

I thank GOD so much for shining HIS Light in the dark parts of my life.
I thank GOD so much for HIS Perfect physical healing in my family.
I praise GOD because HE IS Faithful, Holy and True. And Merciful and Gracious to me and you who need HIM every moment, like me.
I praise GOD for WHO HE IS. Our Divine Healer.Our Loving Heavenly Father.

I have written this for those like me, who want to find the heart of GOD amidst the questions. I am writing this for those who are weary and heavy-laden with worries and pain and other ills,it is for this exact reason CHRIST came,to give perfect health,peace,physical healing,miraculous answers to prayers,provisions,Divine protection.All that define abundant life.
If you want to know JESUS,you can accept HIM into your heart in prayer.
And you and I will Surely,Always find HIM in All HIS Glory,through JESUS' shed Blood. Praise The LORD In JESUS' Name Amen.

HE Who did not spare HIS Own SON but gave HIM up for us all, how will HE not also,along with HIM, freely give us all things (everything)?
Romans 8:32

Amazing LOVE. Amazing GOD!

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