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Rome Baptist Church |
I don't know about others, but almost every Sunday morning I struggle to get up early, (even to spend time with The LORD) to worship in the The House of The FATHER. Some Sundays I couldn't go to church, but it's a personal rule that I must be in church every Sunday morning. And as King David declared "I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go into the House of The LORD.' " I realize that the Sunday morning struggle would eventually vanish like magic once you are immersed in that spiritual environment, where people smile and are welcoming, as if there were no issues in their personal lives, but the truth is, those would be set-aside and left behind at the back of our minds, in the face of worship that is part of our personal relationship with our Lord JESUS Christ.
And so, this particular Sunday morning I (we) learned about the real struggles of the early Christian church or believers. Evidently, the Pastors are highly knowledgeable about world history in general, as it is studied in academic schools, and they've got this divine expertise to bind The Truth of The Scriptures with the historical facts.
This Truth will forever be mind-boggling not just for me, but for everyone. For many, as well as the Jews, this has turned into a stumbling block that can't be overcome. How can The Eternal, All-Powerful Creator of the cosmic universes, galaxies, the beautiful majestic mountains like the Matterhorn of Switzerland, the little and big sea creatures like The Big Whale that swallowed Jonah of the Bible. All of these creations obey our Loving GOD and FATHER.
In the Beginning was The WORD, and The WORD Was with GOD, and The WORD Was GOD. . . . The WORD became Flesh and made HIS dwelling among us.
john 1:1-2, :14
Try so much, as others would, there is no denying that The Lord JESUS indeed was born, all historical facts (backed by archeological evidence) testify to this. The Lord JESUS Christ is the only human being born to die. All people who were ever born on this earth, were destined to live their lives to the fullest. This, actually is the will, plan, and desire of our Loving FATHER, as The Lord JESUS said;
"I AM come that they might have Life, and have it More, Abundantly."
john 10:10
The Lord JESUS was born as a human being, lived a 'normal' childhood as any of us, showing obedience and respect to HIS appointed earthly 'guardians' or parents.
Once again, the yearly global celebrations of Holy Week (secularly referred to as, Easter which is pagan in nature) is, nothing more than our earthly way of remembering this awesome act of GOD, re-enacting the Passion of Christ in HIS last week of suffering on earth leading to HIS appointed or prophesied death. He was not murdered. The Romans, neither did the Jews nor anyone kill HIM. HE willingly laid down HIS Life to save you and me from the eternal punishment of hell, which is the wages of sin (innate or sin-nature in a person). The nation of Israel (and also Egypt and other nations) holds many infallible, or irrefutable evidence of JESUS Christ and all people around or relative to HIM; (i.e. The Empty Tomb of Christ, HIS birthplace Bethlehem, Jerusalem which is called The CIty of David, where HE Was crucified and buried). This, to me, must be the main or real reason, why the enemy is trying his best to erase or annihilate Israel.
No one takes MY Life from ME, I give MY Life of MY Own free will. I have the authority to give MY Life, and I have the authority to take MY Life back again.
john 10:18
All Christianity would never exist without this single most significant event in human history. Believers in CHRIST would have no reasonable justification to follow those early Christians who willingly laid down their lives in exchange for the Hope and in faith of what they, themselves have been eyewitnesses, of HIS tangible glory. Which Glory has never passed away, and never will, even in my life. This is the most powerful justification and conviction of The Power of HIS Tangible Love. The Three Things That Changed HIstory. The same three things that changed my own life. And (of) those who believed and believe in HIM, The Lord JESUS Christ. And change, yours too, if you dare (believe).
For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: and if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; you are yet in your sins. . . . But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruit of them that slept. 1 cor. 15:14