As I was watching 'The Embassy of GOD' , I listened to Pastor Sunday Adelaja (of african origin, whose church is the most attended or largest Christian congregation in Ucraine); as he interviewed a certain Pastor Bob (I didn't get the interviewee's last name, sorry). Pastor Bob was recounting of a vision from GOD, of a shooting, big rock. The meaning being, that the Kingdom of GOD is manifesting on earth, in a faster way then GOD gave him a name of a Pastor John Sloan in Florida USA, of whom he never heard or seen before. Upon contacting Pastor Sloan (after 8 or nine times of calling.. .) as he was about to hang-up, Pastor Sloan answered the phone. He introduced himself and Pastor Sloan said that GOD gave him exactly the same vision and the same meaning of the vision.
I believe GOD is always involved in every aspect of our lives, we might be awed at how vast beyond comprehension (and still, expanding) our universe is, the the billions of vast galaxies, the billions and billions of stars including the sun; and everything functioning in perfect order (for us); nevertheless HE sees each one of our little hearts, our needs, our cries, our laughters and pain. I never cease to be amazed at the awesome Glory of GOD, HIS tender heart towards this feeble being as I am.But Through HIS mercy I am able to rise up, everytime.Even, at the lowest moment.Everytime. HE is Here.With you.With me. Through Jesus my GOD and Saviour, to whom be Glory and Honour forever.Amen.