The Prayer of Salvation to begin your relationship with The Lord JESUS

Good morning friend! You have made the greatest decision of your life. To start your own real and personal relationship by accepting our Lord JESUS Christ into your heart and life, where life is most lived,  primarily. For this is the moment and and for this reason;

GOD gave HIS One and Only SON , that whoever believes in HIM should not perish, but have eternal life.  john 3:16

He who has The SON has Life. He who does not have The SON does not have Life.  1john 5:12

There are many very beautiful Promises that our Loving FATHER fulfilled since the creation of the world, even in the details of our individual lives. There is no fathoming how Great and Loving and Merciful our Heavenly FATHER IS. We just have to see HIS track record since the creation of man. HE has never failed, and Never will. This is our blessed hope and our new and everlasting covenant through our Lord JESUS Christ WHO lives, and will soon return for us.

Let us pray:

Dear Lord JESUS,

I come before YOUR Throne of Grace as I ask forgiveness of my sins and to wash me clean with the Holy Blood of our Lord JESUS.

 I now receive YOU Lord JESUS, into my heart and into my life as my own personal Lord and Saviour.

Thank YOU so much for saving me from the curse of sin, and I believe that from now on YOU will bless me with all the blessings of The FATHER; Love, peace and, grace. 

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