The True Essence of #Christmas2021

December 25, 2021

It is December 25, 2021, and so much has happened in the last two or three years but, I would rather press my memory on the better lessons that can be learned. As it is, there has been a global health crisis relative to the covid19 virus that started in the last months of 2019 and seems to be bursting its last, on the tail-end of 2021.

The whole world seems to be led into a universally sponsored vaccination which many national governments retain to be the only and unique way out of the pandemic. Whatever is to be believed or ignored about all these issues, remains mainly irrelevant if we have our eyes on our Lord JESUS Who IS our Shield Protector, our Healer, our Provider, and our Peace in Person. The real essence of Christmas is The tangibility of GOD in every one of us if we let HIM. GOD, Immanuel, coming to Flesh, even our own. To make HIM real is not easy in the face of material distractions, the temptations of horizontal perception, rather upward. We Christian believers call it, the fight of faith; carrying on in this material world, with the mindset of  GOD. I believe HE IS here through HIS Body, HIS Church, the bodies of believers. 

But what says The LORD of all? This is The Only Truth that you and I can count on today and, forever, thankfully; "The LORD HIMSELF goes before you and will be with you; HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU, NOR FORSAKE YOU. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."  Deut. 31:8

HE Who spared not HIS Own SON, but delivered HIM up for us all, how shall HE not with HIM also graciously give us all things? Hebrews 8:32

Merry #Christmas2021 to everyone and praying that our Lord JESUS Christ manifest in our life more powerfully in the New Year 2022 Amen!

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