May 24, 2009

Today we had the chance to take our daughter to the nearby mall and she had the grand time playing in the big playpen. Seeing her relate to many different children in a nice way-not reprehensible, it gives us satisfaction. There were also a few little bullies with her but they mainly bullied the bigger kids (6, 7 years old) but nevertheless it's always ugly seeing or dealing with bullies. I have seen a very young boy of 6 years (I heard him mention it) mention ugly curses that he may have had very little understanding of, he must have 'learned' it in his own home. And even another girl a bit bigger than him, bully him yet again. And I fear that in the future my daughter will inevitably have to deal with this kind of difficulty, she might have to face 'difficult' people and I do not know how to prepare her or set the strong psychological foundation for her. But I Know my GOD Will help us as HE ALWAYS HAS. So far, her nursery teachers only have usual praises and compliments for her 'excellent' behaviour uncommon for kids her age. She has almost everything that she needs things like nice toys, clothes and many shoes, more importantly love, attention and intelligence and self-esteem or self-confidence. The things I rarely used to have when I was a child. A very happy childhood she's having, I must say. But I realize now GOD has paid me for EVERYthing that I lacked when I was growing up. Through my daughter. It's just like returning to my past as a child and having everything I missed then, Now.I thank My GOD who is All-Wise and Merciful and has not forgotten to 'repair' my unhappy past even if maybe, I didn't consciously ask for it (but GOD knew I needed to be healed emotionally). SO Again and Again, TO My GOD Be The Glory.Amen.

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