Nancy Harmon Love Specials

By choice and due to time constraints I'm usually on my own for most of days, of course ever engrossed with taking care of my family and at the same time working. As most working moms would be aware it's not easy but we all get by with GOD's Great Grace And Mercy.And that's how I face every single day. GOD always blesses us (my family, and yours) and it seems the blessings of GOD are ever increasing. Or maybe if you don't feel blessed enough, your blessings must exist somewhere still in the unseen realm but you just need to draw nearer to our GOD to get-hold of them. As it is the days don't seem to be long enough to contain all the tasks I have to do. So I hope I can find a means to manage my time better. Like today, I woke up at 6:30 am and rushed to the nearby medical center to file a request for exemptions (from paying government-subsidized medical services) which would save me hundreds of euros. But as I didn't want to waste time 3o mins. waiting for their opening, I tried to rush to the other nearby clinic for some more bloodtests which they did promptly and immediately. But I had to return home by 8am because my husband must go to work and our little daughter is still sleeping. So tomorrow I'll go to the government medical center for the exemptions request. All this day is filled with domestic chores and I practically didn't have time to take my daughter out for some fresh air and bubble games. By this time 3pm my daughter is sleeping and I could have been resting together with her but I have a mountain of clothes to finish ironing. So here I am nevertheless enjoying myself with Love Specials of the anointed minister and worship singer Nancy Harmon( while ironing clothes). She is a very Prestigious Christian worship icon, to me. I really am drawn to her.

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