Human Enhancement Revolution a.k.a. Trans-Humanism part 2
January 03, 2022Continued from the previous post:
The Speaker, Mr. Tom Horn supported his claims with many documents and news reports from diverse prestigious news and government sources. Here are some TV screenshots to prove the veracity of these scientific research and experiments. It won't be surprising if the next Blockbuster film is about the main character with a mixed physical appearance like 'Avatar' or similar characters. The proponents of this technology would love to campaign through films or other media forms to emphasize the benefits of the Human Enhancement Revolution or Trans-Humanism. They will suggest a world without hunger, poverty, discrimination, even against homosexuals because they will be downplayed by an avalanche of varieties of species. No limitations (mental/mind powers) as the brain will be electronically empowered by chip implants that will dwarf Albert Einsteinìs IQ and any other existing natural brain capacity. Although it appears to be irrelevant, it will most likely be boosted or helped by heavenly mysteries like the UFO sightings and other similar unexplainable occurrences in the skies.
With The Human Enforcement Revolution or Trans-Humanism you can bid goodbye to things that make our life worth living, like family affections, the sanctity of life or basic human rights, love, joys, and happiness.
With Human Enhancement Revolution or Trans-Humanism, there won't be pro-creation anymore, no kids, no human rights, no moral boundaries.
This technology will be subtly introduced when Biblical predictions stare us right to our face. At this point, we are witnessing the re-aligning of major world events in the economy, in society, in general, and even in nature; drastic weather changes, all pushing for the creation of a one-world government and a singular monetary currency.