Less Facebook,More Blogger

February 14, 2015

Praise the LORD ! GOD is Great and Worthy to be Praised,and everyday in our family.

In the recent years I've almost completely abandoned blogging because GOD has blessed me with a wonderful job, plus HE is taking care of our family through HIS Divine Protection, Blessings and Gracious Guidance. Also, the duties of a mother and wife occupy most of my time. That in consideration; I still manage to find time to sneak in every now and then, to my facebook account,that now I realize is rendering my blogging, neglected. Yesterday and today I cleaned up my linkslist, checked each friend-link still has me on his/her list, and I removed from my 'favorited blogs', those that eliminated me or whose sites went inactive, that way I was also able to drop some messages to their homepages after a long time. It's nice to know that even if I was inactive in blogging for a long time, two years maybe, that many of my blogging friends have retained me, even if they have changed their templates and site themes. Some have also hibernated from their online activities just like me, I guess they, like me will eventually go back, in a matter of time. It is some kind of feeling that we have remained connected through this  common 'internet affection' that we share even if we don't really know each other. I just sincerely wish everyone the best of rewards in every form, with our internet adventures, in JESUS' name. Amen. GOD BLESS us all Tremendously!

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